Original article with HR today available here.
With Rockstar Recruiting, Justus Spengler and Lucas Zehnder have dedicated themselves to cultivating relationships with candidates. Why this is becoming increasingly important. A conversation about new recruiting approaches in the world of Recruiting 2.0.
According to your own statement, you deal with Sustainable Recruiting. What does that mean?
Justus Spengler: First of all, that describes our internal mindset. We believe that a trusting relationship with our candidates goes beyond a placement. That's why we invest a lot of time in our tech community and provide candidates with advice and support. Since they recommend us in their personal network, we can grow organically and gain access to experts we can't reach in the known channels. We also maintain this sustainable approach at client level. When working with companies, we are selective: The value that technology has in the company is very important to us. So is how appreciative the company behaves toward technology experts. This approach can also be applied to other industries.
The relationship with applicants is important to you. How do you build them up?
Lucas Zehnder: It starts with the selection process. We invest a lot of time in talking to candidates to whom we can offer a current or future career option, in order to understand what is really important to them. We also regularly compare their priorities, as these can change over time. We aim to support our candidates in their careers - not just until the next placement.
How do you stay in touch with applicants?
Ongoing. We make every effort to refresh contact, even if it has grown cold. Preferably, of course, with the appropriate professional perspective. For example, at events to exchange ideas. The important thing here is to remain authentic and to be guided by the individual sociability of the candidates.
To what extent do you take over networking for companies?
We see ourselves as an extension of our clients' own corporate network. We are often called in when this network is no longer productive.
What do companies have to do to be remembered by applicants?
They should offer appreciative and transparent recruiting processes. These must take place at eye level, because it is not uncommon for applicants to become potential customers. In a way, they are therefore also brand ambassadors. A bad reputation also spreads faster than a good one. If you work with highly sought-after experts, you have to be aware of this.
Some companies use candidate pools to keep track of potential employees. But data quickly becomes outdated...
These pools have a right to exist if they are actively maintained. However, the best data is of no use if you don't analyze it. This is where there are excellent opportunities to create interactive portals. We see a lot of potential in this and are constantly developing our own solution.
To what extent do events to which potential employees from a candidate pool are invited make sense?
Justus Spengler: Such events have contributed to the growth of Rockstar Recruiting. With the large number of events on offer, it is important to provide real added value for your community. We advise every company to make themselves "experienceable".
Companies are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) in workforce development to engage people in ways that unleash their potential. A solution approach in recruiting?
We are rather skeptical, as it begs the question of how neutral the genesis mechanism of this AI is. Job profiles are becoming more complex and the personality and motivation of applicants are increasingly becoming a success factor. It is important that their personality is visible in the application process. Technology can assist the acting humans. Ultimately, people want to work with people.
About the company
Rockstar Recruiting is a personal platform with the goal of connecting technology experts and dynamically growing companies. The young Zurich-based company combines many years of interdisciplinary experience in the fields of psychology, technology as well as HR and is focused on software engineering, data science, blockchain and computer vision.